
Queue Up And Dance celebrates legendary Bootle nightclub Quadrant Park, the UK’s first legal rave all-nighter. Although the club was short-lived, growing popular in early 1990 and closing at the end of 1991, it played a pivotal role in the evolution of club culture in the North West and beyond. Demolished in 1992, and with nothing at the site now hinting at its rich history, the story of Quadrant Park runs the risk of being lost.

Queue Up And Dance invites those who went to Quadrant Park in its heyday, and young people living in Bootle today, to collaboratively develop an archive, exhibition and new creative projects inspired by the club’s history and the early DIY culture of rave.

Queue Up And Dance is a collaboration between Sefton Libraries, Rule of Threes Arts and lead artists Dave Evans and Melissa Kains. It builds on conversations between Dave and the original Quadrant Park DJ’s, Mike Knowler and Andy Carroll, and the vibrant online Quadrant Park Reunions community on Facebook.

Queue Up And Dance is being funded by Historic England’s Everyday Heritage grant programme, celebrating working class histories. Made possible with The National Lottery Heritage Fund, with thanks to National Lottery players.